Lean, Tender, and Delectable: Top 25 Alaskan Halibut Recipes

2019-12-04T16:08:33-09:00December 4th, 2019|Categories: Alaska Bucket List, Alaska Fishing Charters, Alaskan Halibut Recipes, Moose Pass Alaska Lodging, Seward Hotels|Tags: , , , , , |

Most visitors here at Trail Lake Lodge choose this undeniably breathtaking region for its Kenai River salmon runs, Chugach National Forest hiking trails, and Kenai Fjords marine cruises. But don’t overlook the world-class Pacific halibut fishing in both Cook Inlet and the Gulf of Alaska. Very few thrills on earth rival the feeling one obtains during a battle with a monstrous flat fish deep at sea. You’ll likely return home with so much processed halibut inside insulated, airline-certified boxes that it will make your head spin. But, luckily for you, we’ve compiled 25 of our favorite Alaskan halibut recipes ranging from classic, pan-seared delights to delicious, blackened fillets.